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Benefits of a CTH program
Cranmer Theological House (CTH) is a traditional Anglican school of ministry providing the following learning options for students interested in pursuing vocational clerical roles or becoming educated laypeople:
On Campus: In-person Courses are offered at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Communion in a weekend, cohort format incorporating worship and fellowship into the learning experience.
Online: A select number of Cranmer House classes are taught via Zoom classes that meet on Tuesday or Thursday nights for 2 hours a week over an 11-week course. Classes offered in this format include biblical language and Church history courses.
Independent Study: A number of Cranmer House classes are taught in an independent study option. This option involves watching pre-recorded lectures, reading the assigned texts, and writing the assigned papers. In the independent study option, students are self-paced and have three months to complete all of their work. This option involves very limited interaction with the professor.
Why Choose Cranmer Theological House…
Orthodox, Biblical, Traditional Faculty and Curriculum
Academically & Ministerially Experienced Faculty
Flexible Online and Independent Studies Options are Available
High Value, Low Expense - $625 Per Course or $250 per Course Audit Fee